Prioritising eHealth cybersecurity against emerging challenges

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This year, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) organises the 9th edition of the eHealth Security conference, in collaboration with the National Cybersecurity Centre of Hungary and Semmelweis University.

The full-day ENISA event was hosted this year in Budapest and provided a unique opportunity for the stakeholder community to explore recent developments in the field, challenges and pathways forward. 

The rising digitalisation and interconnectedness in healthcare has significantly increased the sector’s exposure to cyber threats and raised concerns regarding medical data being targeted by cybercrime. According to the 2024 ENISA Threat Landscape report, 487 incidents out of the total reported incidents analysed refer to the health sector, with 45% of them being ransomware attacks and 28% being data breaches. 

Highlighted by the recent regulatory developments, such as the NIS2 transposition and the forthcoming European Health Data Space (EHDS), cybersecurity in the health sector and issues surrounding health data sharing have gained prominence. The subject was further emphasised in the political guidelines set for the European Commission 2024-2029, which commit the new Commission to developing a European action plan for the cybersecurity of hospitals and healthcare providers. 

In this context, presentations, along with expert sessions reflecting on EU Member States national perspectives invited participants to further engage in discussions on the evolving health cybersecurity landscape and related challenges and opportunities. This exchange of valuable insights aimed to advance efforts to fortify the sector's public and private entities against cyber threats. 

Further Information 

9th ENISA eHealth Security Conference — ENISA 

Health Threat Landscape — ENISA 


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